Bisedge Ltd Issue 9: 7% Bond
£250,000 | 205 | 0 |
620 tonnes CO2
emissions avoided in one year by providing 5 new, electric forklift trucks
20 new jobs Secured employment
Having ‘secured employment’ is incredibly important for workers in Nigeria, where 80% of the working population is employed in the ‘informal sector’.Investing in carbon reduction and job creation
Bisedge is a pioneering Nigerian green logistics business that provides clean energy industrial logistics solutions for a growing list of clients. These solutions include the provision of electric forklift trucks and they also provide forklift handlers.
Investments in Bisedge will create a double positive impact. Investors will enable Bisedge to provide more forklift trucks for clients, reducing carbon emissions by replacing diesel trucks. They will also help Bisedge create secure jobs (each new forklift creates approximately 4 secure jobs). These provide much needed careers with decent benefits for more people in Nigeria and Bisedge is targeting a 20% female workforce in an industry where women are currently underrepresented.
About Bisedge
Key product information
Issuer: Bisedge Limited
Issuing Country: Nigeria
Investment target: £250,000
Minimum investment: £50
Maximum investment: No maximum
Maturity: 36 months
Expected interest rate: 7% per annum
Withholding tax rate: 10% (applicable to UK residents who do not invest within an IF ISA)
Interest payment frequency: 6 monthly
Capital repayment: 6 monthly
Financial instrument: Promissory note / interest bearing bond
Security: Secured
Key risks
This is a bond issued by a single company (rather than a saving product) and therefore it is recommended that you are careful with the amount you invest.
You must read the offer document (provided below) where a statement of risks is presented, particularly in section 5 – Risk Analysis Overview
What the project investment will enable
Investing in this offer will enable Bisedge to purchase 5 new electric forklifts, which will be supplied to industrial and logistics companies in Nigeria. £50k purchases a high-spec electric forklift, 3 batteries, for round-the-clock operations, charging equipment, and includes the freight and duties to import the forklift.
By supporting large manufacturing, industrial and logistics companies to switch to new electric forklift trucks, this investment will reduce diesel use by 55,000 litres per truck per year, and each truck will reduce CO2 emissions by an estimated 124 tonnes annually. When Bisedge investigated how much diesel their customer's old forklifts were using, they found that they used 5-7 litres an hour.
Bisedge offer full service of material handling equipment to their customers for affordable monthly fees, on long-term contracts. This enables companies to modernise their fleets with electric forklifts and other clean energy logistics solutions without the high up-front costs which they might otherwise face. Bisedge's customers are large companies with 24/7 logistics operations, so the carbon savings from switching to electric forklifts are substantial.
Bisedge have a particular focus on getting more women working in the male-dominated logistics sector in Nigeria. They provide training and actively promote gender equality in the industry, estimating that for each forklift lease, 4 jobs are created.

Bisedge specialise in offering full outsourcing services of material handling, including providing the forklifts, their operation and their maintenance.
Their customers include Nigerian Breweries (a Heineken company), Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) and International Breweries (ABInBev). Bisedge has a close relationship with their supplier Linde, and is the only supplier of Linde material handling equipment in Nigeria.
Social and environmental impact
Electric forklifts provide low carbon material handling solutions, helping to decarbonise logistics in industry. Bisedge’s electric forklift leasing, operations and maintenance service creates high quality jobs, with social security. Bisedge is working with UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) to meet their aim of hiring women for 20% of roles by 2024.

Social Impact
Having ‘secured employment’ is incredibly important for workers in Nigeria, where 80% of the working population is employed in the ‘informal sector’.
of new forklift operators hired will be female by 2024
secured jobs are created for each new forklift
of Nigerian workers are in the ‘informal sector’

Environmental Impact
Bisedge are providing low carbon manual handling services, in industries with 24/7 forklift operations. Because of this, the carbon emission reductions are substantial.
Reduction in carbon emissions, replacing a diesel forklift with an electric forklift
55,000 litres
Annual avoided diesel fuel use for every diesel forklift replaced
124 tonnes
CO2 emissions avoided every year for each electric forklift