New Tax Year, New ISA Rules
April 2024 sees the beginning of a new tax year and the implematation of some new rules around investing in ISAs.

Following announcements in the Chancellor’s Spring Budget, there have been some further interesting changes to ISAs from 6th April 2024. Below, we summarise the changes and what they mean to Energise Africa investors.
An increase in the minimum age
In the past, people aged 16 and over could invest in cash ISAs, but this will increase to 18 in the new tax year. People aged 16-17 will still be eligible to invest in a Junior Cash ISA, although the allowance is less than the adult version at £9,000 PA.
You can invest in more than one ISA of the same kind
Previously, investors had to choose one ISA of any type (Cash, Stocks and Shares, Innovative Finance etc) each tax year, but the new rules will allow investors to diversify their ISA investments. So, for Ethex investors, this means that within the same year, you can invest in the Ethex IF ISA, even if you have already invested in another IF ISA from another provider (within your £20,000 limit). We welcome this change as it allows investors to diversify their IF ISA investments in any given tax year, including being able to support projects on Energise Africa and our sister platform, Ethex, as well as other platforms in the impact investment space more generally.
Partial transfers of current-year subscriptions will be allowed
In another welcome change that will provide more flexibility for investors, from 6th April, you can transfer some of your current year’s subscription between ISAs, you don’t have to move it all, as was the case before. For example, this might be useful if you subscribe your full £20,000 to a cash ISA at the start of a tax year but later decide you’d like to move part of this to an IF ISA provider to make an ethical investment.
ISAs will remain open
Previously, investors and savers had to essentially reapply for ISAs they already held if the account had lain dormant for more than a single tax year. In April, we’ll see this rule scrapped, and the Isa will remain open, ready for investors to resume if and when they wish.
These new rules will mainly make it easier for people to invest in a wider range of ISAs and transfer their money in ways that suit them, and we welcome these changes, with all bonds offered by Energise Africa eligible to be held within an IF ISA, we hope investors will make use of their £20,000 24/25 tax-free allowance to support impactful organisations and projects in emerging economies. View our current investment opportunities.
*Tax-free status is individual and subject to changes in legislation. Pleaseconsult a tax professional if you are uncertain about your eligibility. ISA status does not reduce the risk of the investment or protect you from losses. Tax treatment is dependent on individual circumstances and is subject to change.